Venezuela Devalues Currency for Airlines, Remittances
Venezuela devalued its currency for airline tickets and incoming foreign direct investment as it attempts to halt the hemorrhaging of dollars that has pushed international reserves to a 10-year low. Airlines will be reimbursed for ticket sales at the exchange rate used at weekly auctions, which last sold dollars at 11.36 bolivars, compared with the official
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Investors Flee Developing Countries
Investors dumped currencies in emerging markets, underscoring growing anxiety about the ability of developing nations to prop up their economies as they face uneven growth. The Argentinian peso tumbled 16% against the dollar as the South American nation’s central bank stepped back from its efforts to protect the currency. The Turkish lira sank to a
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Argentina Devaluation Sends Currency Tumbling Most in 12 Years
Argentina devalued the peso the most in 12 years after the central bank scaled back its intervention in a bid to preserve international reserves that have fallen to a seven-year low. The peso has plunged 12.7 percent over the last two days to 7.8825 per dollar at 3:45 p.m. in Buenos Aires, after falling to as
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La zona del Euro debe derrotar urgentemente al ogro de la deflación
¿Está la zona del euro realmente “tornándose japonesa”? La baja tasa de inflación de Europa se ha convertido en el nuevo punto focal para aquellos que creen que la zona del euro está condenada al desastre. La inflación en esa zona se redujo a 0.8% en diciembre, muy por abajo del objetivo del Banco Central
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Crises Squeeze Two Latin Leaders
The leaders of Argentina and Venezuela were set to attend a conference in Cuba to debate Puerto Rican independence on Tuesday, as their countries faced their most acute economic crises in a decade. Their trips — coming as currencies plummet and uncertainty about burgeoning economic troubles grow — seemed to underscore for many Argentines and
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Apple, Samsung Confront New Rivals in China
En Estados Unidos y otras partes del mundo, Apple y Samsung Electronics son las marcas dominantes en teléfonos inteligentes. Pero en China, el mercado de teléfonos inteligentes más grande del mundo, todavía no tiene uno o dos claros ganadores. Virtualmente desconocidos fuera de China, varias marcas domésticas están ganando terreno y tratando de desafiar al
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Chinas adictas a la moda cambian el mercado valuado en 19,000 mdd
Lisa Yan es el nuevo rostro del consumidor de lujo chino: una mujer amante de vestir a la vanguardia. La vendedora de productos financieros de 26 años de edad revisa diariamente los medios sociales para ver lo que están usando sus amistades o las celebridades. Actualmente viste abrigos Burberry, alterna entre una bolsa azul claro de
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Microsoft Names Company Veteran Satya Nadella As CEO
Satya Nadella is Microsoft’s new CEO. But he ascends as co-founder Bill Gates returns to a more central role at a company struggling to catch up in the exploding market for mobile devices. Gates is giving up the chairman’s role to become technical adviser to Nadella, the 22-year Microsoft veteran who was named Tuesday to
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México y S&P500
Resultados 2T13: Un corte de caja México El viernes fue el último día que tuvieron las empresas mexicanas para dar a conocer sus resultados del segundo trimestre. La realidad es que el balance al final de cuentas no fue tan negativo como se esperaba, pero no por ello los resultados no fueron débiles. El crecimiento
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Treasury Mexican Reform
President Enrique Peña Nieto submitted the Fiscal Reform Bill, designed to amend Articles 4 and 123 of the Constitution, to Congress today. “It is a social reform that establishes Universal Social Security and increases public investment in strategic sectors such as education and infrastructure,” he declared. He stressed that this is a reform that establishes
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