The Day at a Glance | September 28 2021

The Top *Republican Senators block democratic bill to fund government and suspend debt ceiling, increase likelihood of a government shutdown in the US. *Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen will appear before Congress and answer questions about a possible default. *Central Bank of China is committed to containing Evergrande`s problems and avoiding a debt crisis.

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El Día en Minutos | 28 de septiembre de 2021

El Top *Senadores Republicanos bloquean proyecto de ley para suspender el techo de la deuda y elevan probabilidad de cierre de gobierno en EE.UU. *Janet Yellen, Secretaria del Tesoro de EE.UU., comparecerá ante el Congreso y responderá preguntas sobre un posible default del país. *El Banco Central de China se compromete a contener el contagio

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The Day at a Glance | September 27 2021

The Top *The economy is close to reaching its target levels for the withdrawal of liquidity to start: Charles Evans, Chicago FED. *China could be hit by a greater negative economic because of less electricity production due to environmental regulations. *Natural gas prices continued to increase at a global level; low inventory levels were reported

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El Día en Minutos | 27 de septiembre de 2021

El Top *La economía está cerca de cumplir con objetivos para iniciar el retiro de liquidez: Charles Evans, FED Chicago. *China podría sufrir un impacto económico negativo más profundo ante la menor producción de electricidad por regulaciones ambientales. *Los precios del gas natural continúan elevándose a nivel global; se reportan bajos inventarios en Europa previo

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The Day at a Glance | September 24 2021

The Top *Evergrande payment grace period opens a month of uncertainty after it failed to pay its dollar-denominated bonds. *Retail sales receded during July (-0.4% m/m; 9.9% annual) and recovered at a slower than expected rate in Mexico. *The United States House of Representatives speeds up plans to avoid a government shutdown after September 30th.

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El Día en Minutos | 24 de septiembre de 2021

El Top *Evergrande entra en periodo de gracia de 30 días antes de declararse en default, tras impago de cupones para bonos en dólares. *Ventas al menudeo se contrajeron en julio (-0.4% m/m; 9.9% anual)) y se recuperan a un ritmo inferior al estimado en México. *La Cámara de Representantes en Estados Unidos acelera planes

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The Day at a Glance | September 23 2021

The Top *Inflation in Mexico exceeded estimates during the first half of September and accelerated once again. *Economic activity in Europe slowed down considerably during September. *China tells Evergrande to avoid near-term dollar bond default. *Bank of England is leaning towards moving up a rise in interest rates as it forecasts inflation will exceed 4%

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El Día en Minutos | 23 de septiembre de 2021

El Top *Inflación en México supera estimados durante la primera quincena de septiembre y vuelve a acelerarse. *Se desaceleró marcadamente la actividad económica en Europa durante septiembre. *China pide a Evergrande evitar el incumplimiento de pagos a corto plazo para sus bonos en dólares. *Banco de Inglaterra se inclina a adelantar el alza de tasas

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The Day at a Glance | September 22 2021

The Top *FED will make a decision this afternoon. *US Senate threatens to reject project approved by Representatives, which considers suspending the debt ceiling until Dec. 2022 and financing the government. *The United Kingdom weighs joining US-Mexico-Canada trade pact after not making any progress with a free trade agreement with the United States. *Economic indicators:

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