Nearshoring Investments: Hard Data | Special report | February 2024

There has been a lot of discussion about Nearshoring, which is defined as the relocation of production chains. On several occasions, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) data has been cited in an attempt to understand this phenomenon, without conclusive information. In an increasingly less globalized and fragmented world, it is essential to categorize investments correctly, distinguishing

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The Day at a Glance | February 9 2024

The Top *Industrial production in Mexico disappoints in December. *In an interview for an American network, Vladimir Putin asserted that he has no intention of expanding the war to other countries but will fight for Russia’s interests.  *The IMF urges the Bank of Japan to end bond yield control and the massive asset purchases. *New

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El Día en Minutos | 9 de febrero de 2024

El Top *La producción industrial en México sorprende negativamente en diciembre. *En una entrevista para una cadena americana, Vladimir Putin aseguró que no tiene intención de expandir la guerra hacia otros países pero luchará por los intereses de Rusia hasta el final. *El FMI insta al Banco de Japón a poner fin al control del

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Inversiones Nearshoring: Los datos duros | Reporte especial | Febrero 2024

Mucho se ha discutido sobre el nearshoring, que es definido como la relocalización de cadenas productivas. En diversas ocasiones se ha citado el dato de Inversión Extranjera Directa (IED) para tratar de evidenciar este fenómeno, sin tener datos concluyentes al respecto. En un mundo cada vez menos globalizado y fragmentado, resulta indispensable diferenciar las inversiones

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The Day at a Glance | February 8 2024

The Top *In Mexico, general inflation for January stood at 4.88%, above the market estimate and our own at 4.85%.  *Consumer prices in China fell by -0.8% YoY in January (-0.5% est.), marking their fourth consecutive month of decline, the worst streak since 2009. Additionally, producer prices decreased by -2.5% annually in the first month

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El Día en Minutos | 8 de febrero de 2024

El Top *En México, la inflación general de enero se ubicó en 4.88%, por encima del estimado de mercado y nuestro en 4.85%. *Los precios al consumidor de China cayeron -0.8% a/a en enero (-0.5%e.), hilando su cuarto mes consecutivo a la baja, siendo su peor racha desde 2009. Adicionalmente, los precios al productor disminuyeron

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The Day at a Glance | February 7 2024

The Top *In January, 307,069 light vehicles were produced, and 254,367 units were exported. *In Mexico, consumer confidence increased from 46.8 points in December to 47.1 points in January. *The goods and services trade balance in the United States closed 2023 with a deficit worth $773.4 billion, which is -18.7% compared to 2022. *Industrial production

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El Día en Minutos | 7 de febrero de 2024

El Top *En enero se produjeron 307,069 vehículos ligeros y se exportaron 254,367 unidades *En México, la confianza del consumidor aumentó de 46.8 puntos en diciembre a 47.1 puntos en enero. *La balanza comercial de bienes y servicios en Estados Unidos cerró el 2023 con un déficit de 773.4 mil millones de dólares, esto es

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The Day at a Glance | February 6 2024

The Top *Yesterday, the Federal Executive power sent a package of 20 constitutional reforms. *Retail sales in the Eurozone fell less than expected in December. *The OECD predicts a moderation in global and Mexican growth for 2024 and 2025. *The U.S. ISM services index positively surprised in January, reaching 53.4 points, surpassing December’s 50.6 and

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